3-24-08: Dogwood Heaven
Up and enjoying the hot shower—the campground is almost empty. All the weekenders gone and just two tent campers left including me. I found the dogwood to photograph.
I’ve been wanting to do that for days. They are either too tall to get close ups of the blossoms or in someone’s yard or along an Interstate, or something. Cut oats for breakfast on the propane stove. The computer charging nicely off the auxiliary battery through my new 2000 watt inverter. The gear is being refined and becoming more satisfying. Life is good. I look out over the lake and compare this to the previous night’s motel. This is better. And they gave me a senior discount off the usual $7 fee. Heh.
I took a nice walk and found more dogwoods. I suppose the fact that it is almost the only thing flowering—that and my sweat shirt, jacket, and gloves should tell me that I’m too far north but I’ll push on toward South Carolina tomorrow anyway and hope that spring will catch up to me.

I took a nice walk and found more dogwoods. I suppose the fact that it is almost the only thing flowering—that and my sweat shirt, jacket, and gloves should tell me that I’m too far north but I’ll push on toward South Carolina tomorrow anyway and hope that spring will catch up to me.
Yay dogwood blooms!!!! Please send my love to the fam in the Carolinas.
Allison, At
March 24, 2008 7:49 PM
Such wonderful photos and story telling. You have covered a lot of ground! in miles and apparently in
spirit. Laughed out loud at the $7 camp site negotiation story. I love imagining all the parks and nature you have been a part of. Im in NYC seeing friends and relatives in theater, a different kind of nature of which to be a part! H
Anonymous, At
March 26, 2008 10:39 AM
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