3-26-08: Like Home

Driving and driving. Out of Alabama, through Georgia with a quick stop in Atlanta. I was pretty tired by the time I got to my sister’s place in South Carolina. Strangely it feels like home in some way. I've relaxed. It also feels as if I've come to a new intent to be more grown up. I am so tired of myself acting victimized and blaming the government, the humans, the weather, et al. I'm going to try hard to just accept and do what I can to help.
Helping others takes the mind off imagined or real worries. And accepting me, right now, is the greatest high of all.
Ya'll enjoy the mosquitos down there, and welcome home, my friend.
PS, what kind of words are "yihdhu" or "dtxqkdyi"?
(word verification)
March 27, 2008 5:38 PM
"yihdhu" or "dtxqkdyi"? Dunno. If they aren't on the web, they don't exist.
Pattison, At
March 27, 2008 7:15 PM
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